
Military BS

I'm as lazy as the next person, but it's pretty funny when I want to work and can't. I got a phone call this evening from my AC (aircraft commander) letting me know that once again my services would not be required for the duty crew. Apparently it requires one officer to answer phones should a crew on the road call in and one loadmaster to make a phone call and get the load plan details. Of course tomorrow we're not launching a bird just recovering one so we don't even need a loadmaster. As for the flight engineer, he told me to sleep in.

I've been around the airlift world awhile. I know as much as these AC's about the nuts and bolts of airlift missions. Besides my purpose isn't to answer the phone and bail them out it's to get them the answers and the help they need. If they called in with a diplomatic clearance issue, or to report that they had to divert somewhere for an emergency or weather, I could take the info down and report it to the DO (duty officer) ASAP. I can access the computer to see if I can get them the information. Or maybe I could just commiserate with them about their situation.

Oh well. Instead I think I'll get up and have a leisurely stroll. I'll take pictures of the base and get some breakfast. I can't wait for the next mission because this is killing me (I never thought I'd say I need to work). Hopefully a couple of days and a new mission. I know of one coming down the pipeline but it's not till next week. It'll be in the sand for two weeks. At this point I relish the thought of that trip!!!!!!!!!!

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